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Table 2 Celebrated national holidays and the official Greek Catholic Church and Orthodox Church holiday (OCH) calendars (sources: [42, 43])

From: Just beautiful green herbs: use of plants in cultural practices in Bukovina and Roztochya, Western Ukraine


Greek Catholic


25th of Decembera

7th of Januarya



March-April (Changes every year)

Flowers’ Sunday (Willow Sunday, or Palm Sunday blessing Salix spp.)

Willow Sunday (blessing Salix spp.)

April–May (changes every year)a

Easter (blessing Paska bread and eggs)

Easter (blessing Paska bread and eggs)

May–June (changes every year)a



May–June (changes every year)

Corpus Christi (no information on the blessing of herbs)

7th of July

St. John the Baptist (herb blessing not officially recognized)

St. John the Baptist (herb blessing not officially recognized)

14th of August

St. Makavey (blessing of honey to give thanks for a good harvest)

St. Makavey (blessing of honey to give thanks for a good harvest)

19th of August

Feast of the Transfiguration (blessing of fruits to give thanks for a good harvest)

Feast of the Transfiguration (blessing of grapes and other fruits)

28th of August

Assumption of Mary

Assumption of Mary

  1. aNational Ukrainian holiday related to OCH
  2. bIn the official Orthodox calendar there are two dates—one new style, the other old style