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Fig. 4 | Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

Fig. 4

From: Inter and intra cultural variations of millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br) uses in Niger (West Africa)

Fig. 4

Factorial map of the PCA describing the relationships between the specific uses of millet and the age-ethnic group factor. Alivo = travel food; Allfe = fire lighter; Attbo = Attache boot; Boira = refreshing drink; CenAb = ash for watering cattle; Cenpa = ash for wound dressing; CenSa = ash sauce; CenSo = ash for soumbala; ChaCe = ash stubble for cooking; ChaCo = stubble as compost; ChaFe = stubble as fertilizer; ChaFo = forage stubble; Clô = closing; Colin = guest snack; Com = fuel; Conbr = manufacture brick; Conre = ash for meal conservation; Con = construction; Deg = Dégué; Déspa = parcel desalinization; Dîmco = customary tithe; Disal = food discrimination according to sex; Don = Donu; Enc = Enclos; EpaPa = thickener paste; FabOr = manufacture oreillets; FarDo = flour doum; FeuFo = fodder sheets; Filcu = culinary filter; Forfe = fortifying for breastfeeding woman; Gal = galette; GluAl = glumes feed cattle; GluCa = glumes carbonization wood charcoal; GluCo = glumes compost; GluFe = fertilizer glumes; GluPo = glumes pottery; GraAl = grains livestock feed; GraAu = grains aumone; GraBi = bita grains; GraBo = grains for porridge; GraCa = grains for engagement gifts; GraCh = grains for charity; GraCo = couscous grains; GraDo = Grains for late harvest donation ; GraEn = grains for social assistance; GraMa = grains for gift to marabouts; GraZa = grains for zakkat; Gre = grenier; Han = hangar; Jeuma = provision for bride; Grains; Lab = labdourou; Bed = beds; May = house; Malar =clay mixing; PanAl = panicle for livestock feed; Panfr = fresh pan for grillade; Pansè = dry pan for grilling; PanAu = Panicles for Alms; PanCh = panicles for charity; PanDo =panicles for donation in late harvest; PanEn = panicles for social assistance; PanMa = panicles for donation to marabouts; PanPa = panicles for donation to parents; PanPr = panicles for provision for primiparous women; PanZa = panicles for zakkat; Pât = paste; Por = portal; Pou = henhouse; Prife = grains for provision for primiparous woman; RacAl = spoiled for livestock feed; Rack = spit in ash for cooking; Sal = sala; Savmé = medical soap; Savno = black soap; Sék = Sékos; Sôk = Sôkou; SonAb = sound for livestock watering; SonAl = sound for livestock feed; SonBo = sound for boiled; SonCo = sound for couscous; SosKo = Sosso Komandi; Sou = souroundou; SubNa = ash as a substitute for natron; Was = Wassalé; Zor = Zori. HsAd = hausa adult; HsJe = hausa youth; HsVx = hausa old; KnAd = adult kanuri; KnJe = young kanuri; KnVx = old kanuri; PlhAd = adult fulani; PlhJe = young fulani; PlhVx = old fulani; TrgAd = adult Tuareg; TrgJe = young tuareg; TrVx = old tuareg; ZmAd = adult zarma-sonhrai; ZmJe = zarma-sonhrai young; ZmVx = old zarma-sonhrai

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